We are pleased to inform you that IFS Plugfest 27has been scheduled. Here are some preliminary event details:
Monday, March 30th to Friday, April 3rd, 2015. The event begins at 9am and ends at 6pm each day, except for Friday when it ends at 3pm.
Building 37, rooms 1701-1717, Microsoft Campus, Redmond, Washington.
ISVs (Independent Software Vendor) and developers writing file system filter drivers and/or network filter driver for Windows.
Free– There is no cost for this event.
- Compatibility testing with Windows 10 and other file system as well as network filter drivers
- Ensuring smooth upgrade from Windows 7 and above to Windows 10
- The opportunity to test products extensively for interoperability with other vendors' products and with Microsoft products. This has traditionally been a great way to understand interoperability scenarios and flush out any interoperability-related bugs.
- Talks and informative sessions organized by the File System Filters & Network Filter team about topics that affect the filter driver community.
- Opportunities to meet with file system team, network team, and cluster team at Microsoft and get answers to technical questions.
To register, fill in the Registration Form until January 30th 2015. We will follow up through email to confirm the registration. Due to constraints in space and resources at this Plugfest, ISVs are required to limit their participation to a maximum oftwo persons representing a product to be tested for interoperability issues. There will be no exceptions to this rule, so please plan for the event accordingly. Please look for messages from fsfcomm@microsoft.com and msrevents@microsoft.com for registration confirmation.
More information on Filter Drivers can be found here.
Microsoft File System Filter team.
Blog Author – Bhanu Prakash
Team - Windows File Systems and Filters Team